- How to Take and Print a Screenshot With Windows 7 – Staff Website – U of I Library

- How to Take and Print a Screenshot With Windows 7 – Staff Website – U of I Library

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Screenshot pc windows 7.How to Take Screenshots on Windows 7, 8, 10


Learning how to take a screenshot on Windows systems is the simplest way to preserve or share any visual content from a website, program, or video game. You can take it and send it via email, social media, or file-sharing sites with just a few clicks. This article will show you how to screen-capture any webpage, program, and even full-screen video games using a wide variety of methods. Standard keyboards for Windows computers include a dedicated key to capture your screen.

It looks something like this:. When you use this method, the OS copies the entire screen automatically to the clipboard. From there, you can directly paste it into an email, social media platform , or messaging app. You can even start editing it in an image editing software like Photoshop or even MS Paint.

Note: One disadvantage of using this method is that it automatically captures the entire screen, including the toolbar and tab bar of your screen. Manually cropping can lead to inconsistent screenshot sizes. One of the easiest ways to save a screenshot taken with the print screen key is to paste it into your photo editing software of choice.

For example, you can use Microsoft Paint, which comes free with all relevant versions of Windows. You can also right-click and select Paste from the dropdown menu. If you use Windows 10, you can also use Paint 3D. But if you want to use a more powerful image editor, we recommend a specialized tool. All recent versions of Windows, including 7, 8, and 10, include the Snipping Tool.

You can easily open it by searching for it in the toolbar search. Press the Windows key to open the toolbar and jump to Windows search.

However, note that in Windows 7, you must manually select the search field before you can type out the keyword. It would be best if you did that manually. In Windows 10, the updated version of this app can be opened with a shortcut—more on that later. Pressing the Enter key after typing the correct phrase will open the program automatically. It has various modes, including free-form screenshots, but the basic form is a rectangular screenshot shape.

But at least it gives you more flexibility than just pressing the print screen key. You can then select the area you want to capture and save. You can now edit the screenshot with the pen, highlighter, and eraser tools. It also offers a few unique options compared to copying and pasting something into Paint, such as the Delay mode for taking delayed timed screenshots.

You can also highlight something in the screenshot and email it directly from the Snipping Tool. In the table below, we break down all the keyboard shortcuts only available after opening the Snipping Tool :. One feature we miss is the ability to take multiple screenshots with an identically sized and placed window.

Also, here, you can choose from window, free-form, full-screen, or rectangle options for your snapshot. By default, the PNG format files saved by Windows screenshotting software are unnecessarily large. You can then choose from dozens of chrome extensions for screenshotting webpages. There are so many options that it can be hard to choose. To make things simple, we recommend any of the following:. For example, you can capture a full-page screenshot instead of only the visible part with each of these.

Another practical feature is that you can screenshot just the contents of any particular tab. It also means you can take screenshots with identical dimensions across multiple different pages. You can, for example, blur out parts of the image, add in shapes, arrows, text boxes, and more.

And these options are all available in the free versions. These features make it easy to edit and prepare tutorial-style screenshots to include in a how-to blog post.

And if you want to become an even more productive blogger, check out our list of the best Chrome extensions for WordPress users. One interesting thing about Microsoft Edge is that the latest version has built-in screenshotting. Just open up the browser, and start taking screenshots. The features are rudimentary, but the tool works perfectly to share a webpage with a friend or coworker.

Although it was built into Windows as a feature to screenshot and record video games, it works just as well for capturing movies, websites, or the content of any other program. From here, you can browse and share all recent screenshots on Twitter. It has some unique features, like the ability to scale the screenshots up to 4K. Instead of using the PrtScn key and pasting it in, you can capture other windows while inside PowerPoint. It will automatically insert a screenshot of the window you choose into the slide.

The newer versions of PowerPoint ship with a fairly powerful image editor. You can change colors, saturation, and even remove the background with a magic wand. You can also customize the screenshot with shapes, borders, and text within PowerPoint and save the slide as an image. Lightshot is a lightweight—surprise—and easy-to-use screenshotting software. To use third-party software like LightShot, the first thing you need to do is download the program.

Visit the download page on the official website, and download the Windows version using the appropriate button or link. Once installed, it automatically overrides the regular PrtScn key command. Every time you press that key, now you open up the LightShot interface. Need blazing-fast, reliable, and fully secure hosting for your ecommerce website?

Check out our plans. You can select an area of the screen to capture and add simple text, rectangles, or arrows. You can edit the thickness of the lines and elements by using your mouse scroll. But you can change that folder and easily save files in other locations. On a Microsoft Surface with Windows 10 installed, you can already use any of the ways we mentioned so far. To take a screenshot on your Surface device, press and hold the Windows button and simultaneously press the Volume Down button.

When it takes a screenshot, the screen will get dimmer. Video is often a better way to showcase tutorial steps, share gameplay, or give feedback on something. Recording the screen is just as easy as taking a screenshot.

But before you upload a step-by-step video tutorial to your site, be warned. Video files are huge. You might be surprised to see PowerPoint in this article again, but it has a screen recording function, too. The only thing is, it has a minimal use case. Screen recording in PowerPoint only works for your presentation. You can record yourself going through the slides, including your voice and web camera footage.

Keep animations to a minimum to avoid choppy results. For advanced users and experienced video editors, you may want more functionality and customizability. Camtasia is a powerful screen recorder and video editor in one, making it easy to create detailed tutorial videos from scratch. Loom is a simplistic, easy-to-use screen recording tool that you can download as a Chrome extension. It records your screen, voice, and face for up to five minutes in the free version.

You can easily install it by visiting the Loom Chrome extension page. Even PowerPoint has a built-in function for taking screenshots and including them in your presentation. Like with Windows, the same holds for taking a screenshot on your Mac. Static screenshots are only the beginning. Our Google Cloud powered infrastructure focuses on auto-scaling, performance, and security.

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You also agree to receive information from Kinsta related to our services, events, and promotions. You may unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions in the communications received. Kinsta Blog. Salman Ravoof , April 20, The PrtSc key on the keyboard. A basic full-screen screenshot in Windows.

Screenshot in MS Paint. Inserting a screenshot in Gmail. Windows Snipping Tool. Chrome Web Store screenshot extensions. A full-page screenshot of the Kinsta homepage click for bigger image. A full-page screenshot in Edge.

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